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Agent Assistant

Agent Assistant provides text-based lead engagement services. Integrating with Real Geeks ensures your leads are followed up promptly, even when you’re unavailable.


How to Integrate Agent Assistant with Real Geeks

  1. Go to the Real Geeks Lead Routing page
  2. Under Agent Assistant, click Connect

  3. Enter your Agent Assistant Partner ID
    • This can be found by reaching out to the Agent Assistant Customer Support (866-311-5441 | info@agentassistant.com)
  4. Select the assigned agent for this integration; only leads assigned to this agent will be sent to Agent Assistant
  5. Establish if leads should be sent:
    • Before being assigned to an agent
    • Only after they have been assigned to an agent in Real Geeks (manually or automatically)
    • Only after they have been assigned to an agent in Real Geeks automatically
  6. Click Save