🚀 v4.1.4 2022-Mar-31
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where the conversation screen could get stuck when trying to reconnect after the app has been in background for too long.
🚀 v4.1.3 2022-Feb-28
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where lead info wouldn't change to reflect recent updates.
- Fixed issue where adding/removing tags from a lead would cause the UI to show each letter as a tag.
🚀 v4.1.2 2022-Feb-24
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed input fields validation when editing a lead.
- Fixed lead details header glitch when viewing some leads from the list.
🚀 v4.1.1 2022-Feb-21
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed input fields validation when editing a lead.
- Fixed lead details header glitch when viewing some leads from the list.
🚀 v4.1.0 2022-Feb-17
🌟 New features
- Added button to easily lookup a lead via Google in the lead info tab.
🦾 Improvements & Changes
- Hide recipient email addresses from email share activity.
- Show missing email activity in activities tab right after sending an email.
- Added ability to toggle visibility of text styles menu while composing emails.
- Moved the delete lead button to the edit lead screen.
- Faster response when updating leads.
- Minor improvements and fixes.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed bottom spacing in the lead tags screen footer.
- Fixed buggy trimming of long lead names in the lead details header.
- Fixed an issue where after interacting with a chat push notification, it would wrongly show the lead details screen.
🚀 v4.0.0 2022-Feb-2
This is a major release and needs to be updated via the App Store or Google Play Store.
🌟 New features
- Added ability to text leads from your device texting app, instead of conversations.
- Added search criteria fields to the edit lead screen and lead info tab.
🦾 Improvements & Changes
- Several underlying improvements.
🐞Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with the keyboard being inaccessible in the lead tags screen.
- Fixed issue with the calendar picker not showing its buttons on Android.
- Fixed issue with phone numbers not being displayed in edit lead screen even if they are set.
- Fixed intermittent connection issues in conversations (especially when the app has been backgrounded for a while).
- Fixed issue when selecting "send video" via email, attempting to go back to the leads list or any other screen would bring up the compose email screen again.
- Fixed issue when selecting "send video" via SMS, attempting to go to the lead details from the conversation screen would not work.
- Fixed issue where the video name field would stay editable even while the video is processing or uploading.
- Fixed issue when opening a lead via a link could not open the lead details as expected depending on the state of the app.
🚀 V3.0.0 - 2021-Dec-31
🌟 New features
- NEW! Real Geeks Video Messaging is now available for IOS and Android! Send video messages via email and text to all your leads. Record your own, send videos from your video gallery. Add videos to your RG video gallery from your device library.
- Added home value reports to the lead info tab.
- Added active market report subscriptions to the lead info tab.
- Added ability to delete leads (if the user has the permission).
- Added switch to enable/disable all push notifications.
🦾 Improvements
- Only ask for permission to use media when attempting to select media.
- Only show the Agent "new" flag to agent users.
- Only show the Lender "new" flag to lender users.
- Several underlying technical improvements.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed buggy keyboard behavior on Android.
- Fixed wrong feedback email subject on Android.
- Fixed issue where deleted users would still have access to the app (in a broken state). Such users are now forced to log out.
- Fixed image attachments in chat.
- Fixed issue where it would be impossible to scroll down the email contents after a video GIF got inserted.
- Fixed issue where it would be impossible to interact with the "source" field when creating a new leads.
🚀 v2.3.2 - 2021-Nov-9
🌟 New features
- Added lead activities such as "property viewed" and "search performed" in chat messages as they happen.
- Added property preview image to "property viewed" activities in the lead activity tab.
- Added ability to view property details from "property viewed" activities.
- Added active saved searches for a lead in the lead details info tab.
- Added app icon badge counter to reflect the unread messages counter.
🦾 Improvements
- Moved "Summary" from the lead info tab to "Important Notes" under the lead notes tab.
- Improved the user interface for the lead note creation screen.
- Several underlying improvements.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where it was impossible to start a chat conversation with a lead if the lead already had a texting conversation (and vice versa).
🚀 v2.2.0 - 2021-SEP-29
🌟 New features
- Added online status indicators to the conversations.
- Added total unread messages badge to the conversations tab.
- Added ability to start a chat from the lead actions modal.
- Added ability to reply emails from an email activity.
- Added ability to reply messages from a conversation activity.
🦾 Improvements
- Improved the appearance of all text inputs.
- Improved the appearance of the action bar for composing messages and emails.
- Several underlying improvements.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Properly handle errors when cold starting the app.
🚀 v2.1.0 - 2021-SEP-13
🌟 New features
- Added failed status for messages in conversations properly.
- Added AI Support for conversations.
🦾 Improvements
- Improved available options when assigning, unassigning or sending a lead to a pond depending on the lead's current state.
- Several minor improvements.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed broken scroll in the activity description field while typing (Android).
- Fixed issue where it would not be possible to create a new lead after switching sites.
- Fixed issue where incoming chat messages would not show up correctly upon receiving them.
- Fixed issue where the app would not memorize the leads list filter when selecting the "All Leads (no filter)" option.
- Fixed issue where it would no longer be possible to navigate to a lead profile from a conversation thread.
- Fixed issue when attempting to open inaccessible leads via links.
- Fixed broken "try again" button to check email integration.
- Fixed issue where attaching media to emails would never finish uploading.
🚀 v2.0.0 - 2021-AUG-24 (Major Release)
🌟 New features
- Added the ability to insert/attach media when composing emails.
- Added the ability to swipe to the next/previous lead details via the screen header.
- Automatically add signature when sending emails.
- Added button to access all the release notes to date in the Settings/About screen.
- Added button to access Coaching Videos, Webinars and Podcasts in the Settings/Help screen.
🦾 Improvements
- Improved appearance of all Settings screens.
- Several underlying improvements.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed calendar date picker color. (iOS)
- Fixed issue where the search leads screen would show results as if they were pond leads.
- Fixed issue where removing a workflow from a lead would show the loading spinner indefinitely.
🚀 v1.8.0 - 2021-AUG-09
🌟 New features
- Ch-5316 Added "send text" button for primary phone numbers in the lead info tab.
- Ch-5630 Added support for Chat in Conversations (Text-based only for now – Full support coming soon).
- Ch-5835 Ch-9369 Added rich text editing when composing emails with templates.
- Ch-6060 Added ability to share leads.
🦾 Improvements
- Ch-3373 Put the focus back on the text field after selecting a merge field or template in a conversation.
- Ch-7136 Ch-9136 Refactored UI form components.
- Ch-8559 Added app publishing instructions to the readme/wiki.
- Ch-8560 Added unit tests for selectors.
- Ch-9149 Added safety check to abort the building/publishing process if required env vars are not set.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Ch-4307 Fixed issue where it was impossible to scroll through merge fields and templates options when composing text messages.
- Ch-9331 Fixed issue where the "edit lead" screen could crash when pressing on a notification or by opening a link.
- Ch-9426 Fixed issue where opening the app via link could cause a crash if the leads list had a pond set as the current filter.
🚀 v1.7.0 - 2021-JUL-27
🌟 New features
- Ch-8323 Ch-8680 Added conversation message drafts for multi-tasking.
- Ch-8337 Added the ability to select/copy text content from lead activity.
🦾 Improvements
- Ch-7397 Replaced "expo.io" authentication with "realgeeks.com".
- Ch-7677 Added custom installation identifier implementation.
- Ch-8145 Ch-8460 Ch-9119 Added tests.
- Ch-8244 Added encryption to auth store state.
- Ch-8324 Changed default activity filter to "All Activities" rather than "All Communications".
- Ch-8342 Persist leads list filter and sort settings.
- Ch-8543 Added enums.
- Ch-8562 🤖 Android Improved release notes appearance on Android.
- Ch-8694 Added logout from authserv logout endpoint when logging out.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Ch-8631 Fixed issue when logging an activity after acting on a follow-up that was opened via the dashboard could cause a crash.
🚀 v1.6.1 - 2021-JUL-14
🦾 Improvements
- Ch-7398 Added automatic authentication token refreshing upon expiration.
- Ch-8333 Navigate back to the settings page after switching sites.
- Ch-7714 Ch-8175 Added GH action to run tests on PRs.
- Ch-8282 Reorganized redux store slices.
- Ch-8356 Added selectors for the leads store slice.
- Ch-8431 Added selectors for the lead store slice.
- Ch-8427 Added selectors in action thunks.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Ch-8321 Added missing close button to the Select Activity modal.
- Ch-8338 Fixed issue where lead ponds could be displayed to users without access to them.
- Ch-8339 Fixed issue with the feedback screen cropping content on smaller screen devices.
🚀 v1.6.0 - 2021-JUN-30
✨ New features
- Ch-7736 Added the ability to see available lead ponds.
- Ch-7737 Added the ability to claim leads from ponds.
- Ch-8030 Added the ability to mark bad phone numbers on the lead.
- Ch-7715 Added asking users to rate the app after a number of opens.
🦾 Improvements
- Ch-8030 Added missing functionality to text a lead from their phone number options.
- Ch-8006 Show confirmation alert message before signing out.
- Ch-7959 Show pond role selection only if the site has lenders.
- Ch-8177 🍏 iOS Tweaked calendar widget background color to make it usable in dark mode.
- Ch-8045 Ch-8261 Capture more breadcrumbs for sentry.
- Ch-8020 Ch-8022 Ch-7920 Ch-8215 Several underlying improvements.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Ch-8006 Fixed issue with logout button in the sites screen.
- Ch-8092 Fixed issue where the leads list could get stuck loading forever after pressing on a push notification.
- Ch-8022 Ch-8037 Fixed issue where the app would become unusable after opening universal links while not signed in.
🚀 v1.5.3 - 2021-JUN-21
✨ New features
- Added the ability of switching between sites.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with authentication.
🚀 v1.5.2 - 2021-JUN-18
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed authentication tokens expiring every 9h.
🚀 v1.5.1 - 2021-JUN-17
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed crash when trying to add lead tags.
🚀 v1.5.0 - 2021-JUN-16 binary build
✨ New features
- Added lead tags: Add and remove tags for a lead.
- Added lead ponds: It's now possible to send leads to ponds.
- Added support for system custom font sizing.
- 🍏 Added support for Universal Links on iOS.
- 🤖 Added support for App links on Android.
🦾 Improvements
- Upgraded to Expo 41.
- Improved error handling for missing env config files.
- Moved all screen files out of legacy /src/native.
- Refactored authentication process (removal of legacy rg-sdk).
- Refactored sites state management (removal of legacy SitesContext).
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where it was possible dismissing the sites and onboard screens at the start, causing users to get stuck in the init screen.
- Fixed issue with lead assignment to agent/lender could not showing the available options when trying to change it.
🚀 v1.4.5 - 2021-JUN-18
OBS.: This was released alongside with 1.5.2 just to prompt users to update their binaries via the stores.
✨ New features
- Added checks for new binary versions and prompts the user to download/install them via the stores.
🚀 v1.4.4 - 2021-JUN-15
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed using wrong build configs due to Metro cache (hotfix).
🚀 v1.4.3 - 2021-JUN-15
This version did not introduce any code changes.
🚀 v1.4.2 - 2021-JUN-07
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with saving lead activities.
🚀 v1.4.1 - 2021-JUN-03
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed crash in compose email screen.
🚀 v1.4.0 - 2021-JUN-03 (1st android prod release) binary build 24
✨ New features
- Added "important dates" support for leads.
🦾 Improvements
- Added template feedback emails with useful information.
- Added additional check for updates when the app state changes.
- Improved component error capturing and reporting.
- Improved environment configuration management.
- 🤖 Added missing notification icons for Android.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed intermittent issue where the app could get stuck at the init screen.
- Fixed issue when pressing the "edit" button before the lead data finishes loading in the lead details screen.
- Fixed several minor bugs.
🚀 v1.3.4 - 2021-MAY-12
🦾 Improvements
- Added platform specific release notes.
- Improved log activity screen appearance and behavior.
- Improved date & time pickers in the follow-up and log activity screens.
- Replaced 💩 picker with the action sheet across the board.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue where no errors where being displayed when trying to create or edit a lead with invalid data.
- Fixed issue with long text not fitting into the summary box in the lead into tab.
- Fixed issue where the previously edited field would re-focus after picking any option from any picker or editing any field in the edit lead screen.
- 🤖 Fixed crash when dismissing the date & time pickers without picking a value on Android.
- 🤖 Fixed wrong modal overlay color for pickers on Android.
- 🤖 Fixed issue with the "source" field in create lead and edit lead screens on Android.
🚀 v1.3.3 - 2021-MAY-05
🦾 Improvements
- Added integration between Redux and Sentry.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Prevent going back from the main screen after initialization.
🚀 v1.3.2 - 2021-APR-30
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with authentication.
- Fixed issue where the select site screen would never finish loading.
- 🤖 Fixed app icon (adaptive icon) on Android.
- 🤖 Fixed push notification system on Android.
- 🤖 Fixed issue with tapping on select components on Android.
- 🤖 Fixed issue where form would be cleared when editing follow-up on Android.
- 🤖 Fixed newly created follow-ups with empty title or descriptions on Android.
🚀 v1.3.1 - 2021-APR-29
🦾 Enhancements
- Show alert message if the LM access token expires.
🚀 v1.3.0 - 2021-APR-26 ios:ota android:build-18
✨ New features
- Added the ability to log an SMS activity.
- Added the ability to filter lead activities by type.
- Added automatic prompt to log new activity when calling leads.
- Added test notification form to the debug room.
🦾 Enhancements
- Show loading spinner in the phone select list if loading.
- Show loading spinner in the email compose screen if loading.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed lead notes tab wrongly showing all kinds of activity.
- Fixed issue where a conversation could never finish loading after interacting with a notification when the app is closed.
- 🤖 Fixed action sheets on Android.
- 🤖 Fixed keyboard behavior on Android.
- 🤖 Fixed keyboard showing up when starting up on Android.
🚀 v1.2.0 - 2021-APR-16 (1st android beta)
✨ New features
- Added "What's new" screen to show the release notes when the app gets updated.
🦾 Enhancements
- Added "Start Date" as an option to sort leads by in the sort leads screen.
- Changed the default filter to be "All My Leads" in the leads list screen if user is admin.
- Improved push notifications to be more reliable.
- Improved sort leads screen appearance.
- Improved follow-up lists appearance both in the dashboard and lead details screens.
- Minor UI improvements.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed broken lead buttons in the dashboard screen.
- Fixed issue with some push notifications showing empty lead details after being pressed on.
- Fixed crash in the filter leads screen if it was opened before the leads list has finished loading.
🚀 v1.1.0 - 2021-APR-02 binary build 15
⚡️ New features
- Added "Source" information (date and details) to the lead details screen.
- Added "Assigned Agent" and "Assigned Lender" (and the ability to change them) to the lead details screen.
- Added missing "All leads" filter to the filter leads screen.
- Added results count to each filter in the filter leads screen.
- Added "Ascending / Descending" sorting descriptions to the filter bar in the leads list screen.
- Added "loading more" spinner at the bottom of the leads list screen while loading the next page of results.
🦾 Enhancements
- Improved "pull to refresh" in the leads list screen.
- Improved pagination when loading more results in the leads list screen.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with the leads list screen not showing a new lead record after creating one.
- Fixed issue with the leads list screen not updating a lead record after editing one.
- Fixed issue with the leads list screen filters not respecting the current sorting order and column (and vice versa).
- Fixed issue where the lead activities screen would stop showing any content after a "pull to refresh" in the leads list screen.
- Fixed issue where the app would show an empty lead details screen after tapping on certain push notifications.
- Fixed issue with activities without descriptions not being properly saved.
- Fixed broken follow-ups list scrolling in the dashboard screen.
- Fixed broken workflows list scrolling in the add workflows screen.
- Fixed typo in the conversations screen.
- Fixed inconsistent "new lead" flag behavior for leads.
🚀 v1.0.2 - 2021-MAR-30
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with push notifications not working after a fresh install.
- Fixed issue with newly created activities not showing with complete info.
- Fixed issue where the app would get stuck in a blue screen after signing out.
- Fixed issue with close button not working on the email setup screen.
- Fixed issue with blank space blocking out the compose email screen when the keyboard is up.
- Fixed issue in the compose email screen with the "to" field not getting correctly filled out with the lead's email address after pressing the email actionable button from a follow-up in the dashboard.
🚀 v1.0.1 - 2021-MAR-26
⚡️ New features
- Added Debug Room.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed issue with empty push notification tokens.
🚀 v1.0.0 - 2021-MAR-25 (1st prod release) binary build 13
⚡️ New features
- Added hyperlinks support to the lead activities descriptions.
- Added alert message for when a new version is available (OTA updates).
🦾 Enhancements
- Updated the Real Geeks logo.
- Improved lead activities readability.
- Improved lead notes tab appearance.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed international phone numbers formatting.
- Fixed remaining large text size issues across the board (for users with custom text size accessibility settings enabled).
- Fixed issue with the "pricepoint" not showing in the lead info tab.
🚀 v0.0.31 - 2021-MAR-22 (beta only) binary build 11
⚡️ New features
- Added workflows management for leads.
- Added "Submit app feedback" section.
💪 Enhancements
- Improved Privacy Policy helper text.
- Improved follow-up lists ability to keep up-to-date.
- Removed empty "Open source licenses" section (for now).
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed lead info not updating after editing.
- Disabled automatic expo updates (for now).
🚀 v0.0.30 - 2021-MAR-12 (beta only) binary build 10
⚡️ New features
- Added lead summary and attributes to the lead info tab.
- Added automatic push notifications feature flag enabling process in LM.
💪 Enhancements
- Improved edit lead screen with separate field sections.
- Improved create lead screen.
🐞 Bug fixes
- Fixed lead filter buttons not working when pressed in the dashboard screen.
- Fixed text size issues if the user has custom system text size settings.