

A website Footer is the content at the very bottom (at the foot) of a web page. This space is always visible on your website and is commonly used to display contact information, meet compliance requirements, and share important resources and information. In summary, the footer helps agents share important information and improve their website's usability.

Edit Footer

Personalize your website footer to display custom information to your leads

  1. Go to
  2. Click Settings, then click Edit Website
  3. Click Footers (Located under Sitewide Elements)

  4. Choose Default Footer to modify the footer of your website.
  5. Enter your custom content (text, image, links, etc..)
  6. Click Save when done.

Create Custom Footer

Customize your page with a unique footer to personalize the information your leads see on specific pages. This is usually done by agents when they want to promote new agent contact information, share custom resources to match your page content, or promote other relevant information.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Settings, then click Edit Website
  3. Click Footers (Located under Sitewide Elements)
  4. Select Add Footer

  5. Enter your custom content (text, image, links, etc..)
  6. Click Save when done.

Assign Footer to Custom Page

After generating a custom footer, you can assign it to a page on your website.

  1. Go to
  2. Click Settings, then click Edit Website
  3. Select the Page Type (Content, Area, Market Report, etc…)
  4. Select your page by name
    • Use the search box to search for a page, if necessary
  5. Look for Sidebar/Footer/Banner Options and click Show

  6. Next to Footer, select your custom footer (by name)
    • Click the pencil icon to edit the footer
    • Click the + sign to add a new footer
    • Click X to delete your selected footer
  7. Click Save when done.

Delete a Footer

  1. Go to
  2. Click Settings, then click Edit Website
  3. Click Footers (Located under Sitewide Elements)
  4. Select your target footer
  5. Click Delete