You will need to own a domain in order to launch your website after you have MLS approval. A domain is what people will type into their browser to pull up your website (ie.
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Purchasing a Domain
If you do not already own a domain, you can purchase one from a domain provider. Some common domain providers are GoDaddy and Google Domains.
Picking a Domain
A well-picked domain can make it easier for potential and existing clients to discover your website. We know that picking a domain name is no easy task, so here are some suggestions from the Real Geeks team:
(Be sure to replace CITY with the name of your primary market)
- CITYhomelistings
- CITYhomesearcher
- CITYlistings
- CITYpropertyfinder
- CITYhomeviewer
- CITYhomesource
- CITYhomehunter
- CITYrealestatesearch
- CITYhomesforsale
- CITYhomesearch
- CITYhousesearch
- CITYareahomesearch
- CITYmetrohomesearch
- CITYareahomes
- CITYmetrohomes
- CITYarealistings
- CITYmetrolistings
- GreaterCITYhomes
- GreaterCITYlistings
- MetroCITYhomes
- MetroCITYlistings
- CITYrealestatesearch
- CITYrealestate
- CITYhomes
We also recommend using .COM domains because this is the default in the mind of the consumer (46% of all websites and 495 of Fortune 500 companies choose .COM domains).