Drip Workflow Templates - 8 Workflows to Convert Leads into Sales


When it comes to prospecting, there are two important things you need to do: segment your leads and engage with them. The goal here is to sift through your database for the leads who are ready to take their home search to the next phase. You’re gold mining! At Real Geeks, we want to make this easy on you, that’s why we’ve teamed up with Greg Harrelson to create eight powerful workflows that are ready to use and available now in your Real Geeks drip system.

To get started with your new workflows, simply navigate to drip.realgeeks.com > library > then click on “use workflow” Let’s face it, communicating with your leads is THE MOST important thing you can do. If you’re not engaging with them, you won’t convert them so get started by leveraging these resources today!



Workflow List

No Communication Ever

Who are these leads? These are leads with no engagement and no communication ever, but they have a valid phone number and email address. Sometimes we capture leads with good data that are in the dreaming phase and they want to remain anonymous. But over time, these leads move down the funnel into the buying phase. Let’s identify them and engage with the leads that are ready to take the next step.
Win: By following up with these leads you’ll have high-quality engagement from those that respond.


Seller Valuation

Who are these leads? These are seller leads captured via the home valuation tool with no activity in the last 60 days a.k.a. “the I was just curious” seller leads. Sometimes seller leads go dark and agents neglect them after failing to contact them initially.
Win: If 60 days goes by and you haven’t engaged with these sellers, this is a workflow that will open up dialogue with anyone thinking about selling.


No Answer After 1st Attempt

Who are these leads? These are new buyers who do not respond to your first attempt at contacting them. Sometimes you do everything possible to contact your leads immediately after capturing their information, but there are other income-producing activities you have to focus on.
Win: This is the workflow that will continue to contact your lead while you’re engaging with others or at a showing. This is a great way to automate an ISA to help increase your capture to contact ratio on the day the lead is captured.


Inactive for the Last 6 Months

Who are these leads? These are leads who have not been active on your website in the last 180 days. You’ve got leads in your CRM that have been inactive for a long time but just because they’re not using your website doesn’t mean they’re not looking elsewhere.
Win: It’s important to re-engage with these leads to get them active on your website again. We can bring them back - we just need to leverage the workflows to engage with them.


Active Buyer Unresponsive, No Follow-Up

Who are these leads? These are buyers that you’ve talked to but didn’t feel like there was a reason to set a future follow-up date with them. This is the list of people who aren’t even on your radar, these leads have completely fallen through the cracks.
Win: Re-engage with these leads through text messages, a lot has changed since you last spoke with them, you have nothing to lose!


Bad Email

Who are these leads? These are leads with a valid phone number but an invalid email address that have been active on your website in the last 30 days.
Win: Re-engage with these leads by leveraging the information you have. This is mainly a text messaging campaign.


Bad Number

Who are these leads? These are leads with a valid email address but an invalid phone number that have been active on your website in the last 30 days.
Win: Re-engage with these leads by leveraging the information you have. This is mainly an email campaign.


PPC Lead No Contact

Who are these leads? These are leads generated through Google PPC who have not answered after your first attempt to contact them.
Win: This is the workflow that will automate your contact attempts on the day these leads are captured. This campaign will do wonders! Remember, PPC leads cost a lot of money, so you have to make sure you increase your capture to contact ratio!

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