Merge Fields

Merge Fields are data placeholders that can automatically pull in specific data. These tools can include the lead's first and last name, display your phone number, or give leads in your CRM access to their account on your website. Using Merge Fields, you can craft custom messages for any scenario and engage with leads more efficiently.

How to Use Merge Fields

Use merge fields in your email, text and chat templates to automatically pull in lead, or agent, contact information. Merge fields can be copied from the list below, or you can use the list provided on your template page. 

In the example below, we sent a template message to a lead who has favorited a property on our website. We made this template to save us the time of hand-writing a message that we are likely to repeatedly use. With just a few clicks, the message can be sent to our lead. The message includes a merge field to welcome the lead and a merge field to add the appropriate agent's information as a text "signature."

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.

These merge fields help you develop a unique message for any situation, share important resources on your Real Geeks website, or promote your contact information to ensure leads can reach you! Review the list below to see exactly what data can be introduced in your Real Geeks messages. 


Merge Fields List

Here is a list of all of the available merge fields that can be utilized within the CRM OR in the Drip system.

Tables can't be imported directly. Please insert an image of your table which can be found here.

Field Name & Description CRM Merge Field Drip Merge Field Agent - Phone: Agent - Office Phone: Agent - Cell Phone:  Agent - Home Phone:  Agent - Email Signature: Lead - Name: Lead - First Name: Lead - Last Name: Lead - Email:
Lead - Phone:

Lead - Login Here Link:
lead-specific login link to your lead's account on your RG website

Lead - App Download URL: Learn more here Lead - Advanced Search Link: Lead - Sold Search Link:  Lead - Market Report Link: Agent - Full Name: Agent - First Name: Agent - Last Name:
Agent - Email: