Personalizing The Property Detail Page

Adding a Number

To add a number, that you/you and your team would like to be reached with, to the property details pages, follow this path:

Site Backend > Site Settings > click the Template Options tab > Detail Phone

Keep in mind, this field will allow you to use more than just numbers. Some agents chose to add their name along with other information in this field.

For example: 123-456-7890 | John Doe | Licensed Realtor

If you use more than just a number in this field it is recommended that you use some sort of symbol such as | to separate the different information. Spacing is not advisable because the spacing will change to conform to the size of the browser window the site is being viewed from.

The information from the Detail Phone field will be displayed here on the property detail page:



Adding an Image

Another way to personalize the property detail page is by adding a detail page photo or logo. To add a a detail page photo or logo, follow this path:

Site Backend > Site Settings > click the Template Options tab > Detail Page Photo or Logo

The logo will appear here on the property detail page: