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  2. CRM
  3. CRM Settings & Customization


Connect your Realtor.com leads directly to Real Geeks to ensure fast, automated follow-up. This integration helps you stay on top of inquiries from one of the largest real estate search platforms.


How to Integrate with Realtor.com

  1. Go to the Realtor.com Lead Routing settings page
  2. Select how you'd like the leads to be distributed
    1. Send Realtor.com leads to my Lead Manager: This process will utilize your system's round robin lead assignment feature to distribute leads fairly among all members of your team.
    2. Send Realtor.com leads to one Agent in my Lead Manager: Send all Realtor.com leads to a single agent in the CRM
  3. Copy the provided email address
    1. Example: realtor-v2.88030@leadrouter.realgeeks.com
  4. Log in to your Realtor.com agent dashboard
  5. Click Settings in the dropdown menu of your profile photo
  6. Click Lead Settings
  7. Click Change in Connections for Buyers, Profile leads, and Courtesy leads
  8. In the dropdown menu, select Lead Parsing
  9. Paste the integrated email address copied from Step 3
  10. Choose HTML emails in the Email format
  11. Click Save