Connect your leads directly to Real Geeks to ensure fast, automated follow-up. This integration helps you stay on top of inquiries from one of the largest real estate search platforms.
How to Integrate with
- Go to the Lead Routing settings page
- Select how you'd like the leads to be distributed
- Send leads to my Lead Manager: This process will utilize your system's round robin lead assignment feature to distribute leads fairly among all members of your team.
- Send leads to one Agent in my Lead Manager: Send all leads to a single agent in the CRM
- Copy the provided email address
- Example:
- Log in to your agent dashboard
- Click Settings in the dropdown menu of your profile photo
- Click Lead Settings
- Click Change in Connections for Buyers, Profile leads, and Courtesy leads
- In the dropdown menu, select Lead Parsing
- Paste the integrated email address copied from Step 3
- Choose HTML emails in the Email format
- Click Save