Voicemail Script
When contacting potential clients, it's crucial to convey professionalism and warmth. A well-crafted voicemail can leave a lasting impression and encourage engagement. The following script is a guideline for communicating with leads interested in your services through your website. Tailor it to your style and the prospect's needs while keeping a friendly tone.
My name is [AGENT NAME] with American Dream Realty. You were on our website adrhi.com. I am calling to see if there is anything we can do to help or answer any real estate questions…
Also wanted to let you know that our website has every property for sale here in Hawaii and is updated by the Realtors computer the MLS. If there is anything we can do to help, you can contact me at [AGENT PHONE] or through the website at ([WEBSITE]) We look forward to helping you. Have a great day!