Adding and Editing User Accounts

From you have the ability to invite your team to access Real Geeks through the User Accounts. Give your company access to:

  • Edit the Website
  • Use the CRM
  • Access Workflows
  • Use the Facebook Tool

How to Add a User

  1. Login to with your email and password.
  2. Select the site you would like to add a user to by clicking “Edit/Add Users“.
  3. Click the “Add User” button.
  4. Insert an email address for the new user in the box and press "enter" or "return" on your keyboard.
      •  If the new user already exists in the system, you will receive a notification on the screen. Select “Add Existing User.” 
      • If the user does not yet exist, you will be prompted to enter in the agent’s First and Last Name, then click “Create User.“
  5. Once the new user is created or the existing user is added, you can then begin modifying permissions.


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How to Set User Permissions

  1. Login to with your email and password.
  2. Select “Websites” from the top navigation bar.
  3. Choose the website you would like to modify and select “Edit/Add Users.”
  4. Select “Edit User” next to the user whose permissions you would like to update.
  5. Check the box next to the permissions you would like to set for that user. Select as many or as few as you would like and click “Save Permissions”.
      • Please note: enabling CRM/ Lead Manager permissions to a user may incur an additional $25/ month charge.
  6. The set permissions will then appear on the User Manager page under the user’s name.

(To enlarge any of the following images, simply click the image until it reaches the desired viewing size):


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Permissions Overview


  • Drip Campaign Manager: Access to Drip system to create or edit workflows.
Drip Campaign Manager


  • Admin: View ads, access reports, create and edit ads, edit payment method, and manage admin permissions.

CRM/ Lead Manager

  • Admin: Full administrative capabilities similar to that of the Site Owner. However, they cannot change other Admin's settings.
  • Enabled: Login to and access the Lead Manager.

More specific CRM/ Lead Manager roles and permissions can be updated in the CRM. Click here to learn more.


  • Blog: Create, modify and delete blog posts.
  • Content: Create, modify, and delete content/area pages.
  • Craigslist: Create Craigslist postings on your behalf.
  • Settings: Modify site settings (logos, basic information, etc).

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How to Remove a User

These steps will remove a user’s permissions within a particular site. If the same user is a member of any other sites you may own, repeat this process for the other websites as well.

Please note: These steps will not permanently delete the user's account. It will, however, remove all permissions associated with the website, restricting them from accessing all backend platform items associated with the site.

  1. Login to with your email and password.
  2. Select “Websites” from the top navigation bar.
  3. Choose the website you would like to modify and select “Edit/Add Users.”
  4. Locate the User and select “Remove” to delete the User.
  5. Select “OK” to confirm.

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How to Change your Password

  1. Login to with your email and password.
  2. Select “Profile” from the top navigation bar.
  3. Fill in the appropriate fields for the password change and select “Change Password”.

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