Auto responder email

The auto responder email is an email that gets sent automatically to every user after they first sign up. An auto responder email template is created for you, but you almost certainly want to customize it.

Starting from

Then click auto responder email. You have 4 choices:

  • Market Report Sign-Up
  • Normal Sign-Up
  • Seller Leads Automated Valuation
  • Seller Leads Customized Valuation

Market Report Sign-Up

This goes out when a lead signs up from your market report page search or a market report page you create.

To learn more about market reports, click here.

Normal Sign-Up

This goes out when a lead signs up anywhere on your site with the lead capture sign up form. Either by property search, resulting in the lead capture sign up form appearing or by clicking the person icon in the primary top navigation bar,

Seller Leads Automated Valuation

This goes out when a lead signs up with the valuation tool.

Seller Leads Customized Valuation

This also goes out when a lead signs up with valuation tool, but the difference is that the valuation is not automatic. This is a setting for agents who prefer to give the leads the valuation information themselves.

If you would like to have this setting, contact support.

For Each Auto Responder

Edit the Subject and Content fields.

The Subject field simply contains the subject of the auto responder email message.

The Content field should contain the body of the plaintext email message, with special placeholders that are set individually for each user. Please read the help text below the Content field for an explanation of the special placeholders which can only be used in the content of the auto responder email template.

There should be exactly one auto responder email at a time, which is easy to enforce if you only edit the existing auto responder without deleting it or creating new ones.