Navigation Bars


Navigation bars are horizontal link lists that appear in various locations on the website. These navigation bars appear across the website and help clients maneuver your website. Having an organized navigation list can help clients find resources across your site

This article will cover: 

Navigation Bars

The Navigation Bars available to you are: 

  • Primary Top Navigation Bar
  • Secondary Top Navigation Bar
  • Primary Bottom Navigation Bar
  • Secondary Bottom Navigation Bar
  • Seller Leads Navigation Bar

Where are the Navigation Bars located?

Primary Top Navigation Bar

Appears at the very top of the website above the header image and search box. 


Secondary Top Navigation Bar

This navigation option is used by our legacy templates and are not available in our current templates

Primary Bottom Navigation Bar

Looks similar to the Primary Top Navigation Bar, but located at the bottom of the website 


Secondary Bottom Navigation Bar

Located at the very bottom of your website. Your area pages are placed here by default


Seller Leads Navigation Bar

Appears at the bottom of your website's Seller Valuation Tool to help clients navigate back to the main website


What Can be Added to a Navigation Bar?

Anything you'd like!

That being said, we have general recommendations for where certain pages should be added: 

Primary Top/Primary Bottom Navigation Bars: Any Content pages you make, the Home Valuation Tool, links to outside sources (this isn't typically recommended as you want to keep leads on your website for as long as possible and NOT give them the chance to leave the website) 

The Secondary Bottom Navigation Bar: typically reserved for area pages (these are added here by default), but additional pages can be added here as well

The Seller Leads Navigation Bar: should be reserved for pointing leads to key points within the website, like the home page, advanced search or "contact us" button

How Do I Add Pages to a Navigation Bar?

Let's say you wanted to add a link to an area page on my website. Here are the steps you would take: 

1. Go to your website backend (go to then click "Edit Website")

2. Click Navigation Bars and select the target navigation bar. We'll use the Primary Top Navigation Bar for our example

3. Scroll to the very bottom of the page to the last empty navigation bar option. There will ALWAYS be an empty space to create a new link

4. Leave the Type set to Custom Link


5. In the URL field, add the "slug" found in the Slug field of the target page. You can do this quickly by going to the target area page and copying the text in the Slug field. THE SLUG MUST INCLUDE A "/" SYMBOL BEFORE AND AFTER IN ORDER TO PERFORM PROPERLY


6. Add the Anchor Text. This is how your page will appear as a hyperlink on the website. Typically this will be the same as your Area Name


7. Click Save

How Do I Remove Something From a Navigation Bar?

1. Go to your website backend (go to then click "Edit Website")

2. Click Navigation Bars and select the target navigation bar. We'll use the Primary Top Navigation Bar for our example

3. Find the link you'd like removed and click the small "delete" button on the right side of the screen. The item will not be deleted immediately, but will instead be deleted when you click save

4. Scroll down and click Save



How do I Move links on the Navigation Bar?

1. Go to your website backend (go to then click "Edit Website")

2. Click Navigation Bars and select the target navigation bar. We'll use the Primary Top Navigation Bar for our example

3. Move your cursor over the Navigation Bar Item that you'd like to move. You will see a all_directions_5.15.33_PM.png symbol 

4. Click and drag when you see this symbol to the desired location


5. Click Save



  • Why did my Navigation Bar Disappear?

    • The site is built to fit the screen of your device, so the Navigation Bar will shrink and may be reverted to a "hamburger" navigation list 

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