Import Leads in Bulk

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The Bulk Import tool can help you add many leads to your account quickly. Use this resource to upload a comprehensive list of contacts, including names, emails, phone numbers, and other relevant information. 

Real Geeks Recommendation


Maximize the effectiveness of your lead list by including a mix of potential clients and personal contacts like family, friends, and past clients.

Granting these close connections access to your website gives you a chance to promote your website, and leverage your network for valuable referrals.


  • CSV or EXCEL spreadsheet list of lead contact information

Click Here to download our free lead import template to help you follow the proper format of your database.


Steps to Import Leads

  1. Visit the Bulk Import Tool
  2. Click Choose File and select your lead import file
  3. Once you have chosen your lead spreadsheet, click Upload
  4. Use the Import Options page to log important details regarding the leads in your database
  5. Apply your Default Values. Click Here to learn about your Import Options
  6. Click Next
  7. Click Start Import
  8. Using the dropdown menu above every column, "match" your lead's contact information to the similar field in the CRM. Click Save to submit your match.
    • Repeat until all columns have been assigned a field in Real Geeks
    • Example: your lead's phone numbers should appear under the Phone field in the CRM so you can call or text clients.

  9. After matching your columns, click Review Changes
  10. Select Start Import

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Import Options

Mark Leads as New?

Identify leads that still need communication after being added to Real Geeks. 

  • Attempting any form of communication (Text Message, Email, or creating a Follow-up) will automatically clear this New Lead flag, helping you engage leads that need it most!

Add follow-ups for important dates

Create scheduled follow up events for important dates in a lead's life. Reach out to leads on their Birthdays, Anniversaries, or Home Purchase dates to let them know you're thinking of them! 


Identifies where the lead originated from.

Leads from another CRM will use their original sources. Leads that do not have a source selected can be assigned a source from the provided drop-down menu

Assigned Agent

Assign the leads being uploaded to a specific Agent in the CRM.

The leads will only be visible to this Agent (unless the Agent is provided with permission to view more leads)

Assigned Lender

Assign the leads being uploaded to a specific lender in the CRM.

The leads will only be visible to this Lender (unless the Lender is provided with permission to view more leads)

Send Welcome Email

Only available after your website has received MLS approval and your website is live. This means your primary domain name has been officially connected to your Real Geeks website.

Deliver a custom "welcome" email to engage your leads as they are created with an account in your CRM.

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Post-Import Status Review

After completing the import process, it's important to review the results of your import for errors. 

We will provide a special spreadsheet that details the leads that were not uploaded, with a message that explains why the lead was rejected during the import process.

Click Results to view the spreadsheet of rejected leads. Use this file to resolve the mistakes, then perform a new import of leads with their corrected information.

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Lead Import Error List

User with role 'Agent' not found

The Primary agent assigned to a specific lead is not yet a User in the CRM. Click Here to add your agent to the CRM, then attempt to re-upload your lead

Phone is too short (minimum is 8 characters)

The phone number must be a valid format with a minimum of 8 numbers to dictate an actual phone number.

This error appears when a lead’s phone number is too short in your lead import file

Email Please enter a valid Email

The email added does not follow the standard email format. 

Email A lead with that Email already exists

Real Geek's method of preventing duplicate leads in the system.

If you see this message, then the lead has been previously imported  with that same email address already.

Confirm if the lead has been uploaded to your CRM first, but these can generally be deleted to prevent duplicate leads in your system

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