How to Add a Page to the Sidebar


When you create a new page in Real Geeks, it does not automatically appear as a link on your website. As a result, visitors will be unable to discover it unless they possess the direct link. To ensure that your page is easily accessible to users, you need to manually create a link to it in a visible area of your site.

One of the most effective locations for adding links to important pages is the Sidebar.

How to Link a Page in your Sidebar

  1. Go to your website backend by adding /admin to the end of your website domain (
  2. Click Sidebars, Under Sitewide Elements
  3. Open the Default Sidebar
  4. Choose an existing section for the page, or create a new one if needed.
  5. Under Anchor Text, enter the page name
  6. Under URL, place the slug of your page. 
    1. The Slug is located in the field marked as "Slug" on your content page. Copy it directly to avoid typos, and ensure to include a "/" before and after the slug
    2. Example:

      Correct: /buying/

      Incorrect: buying or /buying

  7. Click Save